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Salford weekend weather: Rain, wind, sleet and snow forecast

Salfordians are in for a weekend of cold, miserable weather according to forecasters at the Met Office.

Wintry showers and night frosts will spread to much of the North West after an exceptionally mild first-half of November.

A yellow weather warning for wind has been upgraded to include areas west of the coast on Friday and Saturday, including Greater Manchester.

Persistent rainfall across Friday afternoon is due to continue into the early Saturday as a band of sleet moves south from northeast England.

Minimum temperatures for Salford will fall below freezing on Saturday to -1°C.

While any sleet is expected to have cleared by early Saturday, ice could be an additional factor.

A small amount of snow is possible at lower altitudes: 1-4 cm is likely.

But while gusty winds up to 60mph could bring short periods of blizzard-like conditions to the highest road routes, warmer-than-average North Sea temperatures will limit the amount of snowfall and little if any is expected to settle.

Difficult driving conditions and some travel disruption is expected throughout this portion of the weekend.

With strong winds swinging into a more northerly direction, wind chill of up to 5°C is possible.

Maximum temperatures in Salford are expected to be of 3°C and 4°C on Saturday and Sunday respectively.

Main image via CDN

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Tom is SalfordOnline.com's News Editor and community co-ordinator.