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St Ambrose Barlow RC High School enters the Dragons Den

Year 7 pupils at St Ambrose Barlow RC High School saw all their hard work on a Dragons Den enterprise challenge pay off this week at their Christmas fair.

Over the course of the past eight weeks pupils have been working to set up their own businesses, working in teams to develop a product and pitch their idea to a group of dragons to gain a £10 loan from school to set up their business. After successfully gaining their loan they then developed their products to sell them to friends, parents at the Christmas Fair. Products included cards, mugs, homemade goods and other crafts.

Business and ICT teacher at the school, Sally Cheshire, said: “The project has been a huge success and all pupils were a credit to themselves and the school at the Christmas fair. There were 30 businesses in total selling products at the fair and each one was fantastic. Between them they managed to raise over £1000 of which we have donated half to St Ann’s Hospice and the rest has been given back to the pupils to split equally in their businesses. Thank you so much to all who attended on Tuesday to support the pupils. We believe developing enterprise skills is a key to success for our pupils. This is the first time the project has run and we are so impressed with the results.”

One pupil said: “I enjoyed the enterprise project because it gave me the chance to work as a team and earn a bit of money. It was exciting to set everything up and make our products as a group. It was an opportunity to build a stronger friendship with the people in my group. We were having lots of fun by selling our products to customers, and we were making lots of profit! Over all it was a good experience and it taught me to work as a team to make money.”

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