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Salford Choral Sing Day, February 27 Peel Hall, Salford University

Singers from all over Greater Manchester and beyond will be coming together for Salford Choral’s Sing Day on 27 February, at Peel Hall, Salford University.

This is a great opportunity to sing one of Beethoven’s least performed masterpieces, his Mass in C under the expert direction of John Powell, who has been involved in music in Manchester for 40 years, most recently as a freelance conductor, singer and singing teacher.

John currently directs several choirs, as well as workshops and singing days, and conducts the chamber choir course at an annual summer school in Sherbourne, Dorset, so it will be an exciting day. Singers of all abilities are welcome, perhaps you love to sing but can’t commit to joining a choir, or perhaps you’d just like to have the opportunity to sing in a large choir.

Participants in previous years’ events have expressed their enjoyment of the day – ‘Loved every minute. Great atmosphere, efficient organisation, and a wonderful sing’, ‘Very welcoming atmosphere’, ‘Lots of fun’ . Come along and enjoy the day.

A Booking Form with full details can be downloaded from www.salfordchoral.org.uk or phone/text 07815 954370 for further information.

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