The Gregg Foundation has announced a new grants programme, funded by the 5p levy on carrier bag sales in Greggs shops, that aims to improve people’s lives by improving their environments.
The funding is available to small, locally based community led organisations with a turnover not in excess of £300,000. Schools are also able to apply and will receive the same level of preference as small organisations.
The new programme is split into two grant programmes, small grants of up to £2,500 and large grants up to £10,000.
Under the small grants programme funding is available to purchase equipment, sessional salary costs, purchase of trees/plants, small capital projects and learning activities.
The large grants programme will fund larger more ambitious projects such as for example; a school that would like to create an orchard to provide fresh fruit for its pupils; a community centre that wants to install a ground source heat pump; and a community group that would like to transform a patch of land into a community allotment.
There would also be an educational aspect to the grants to help people learn about their impact on the world around them and preference will be given to projects that support disadvantaged people.
The Foundation are more likely to make grants to local organisations based near Greggs shops.
The closing date for both schemes is the 4th March 2016.