Want to tell a different story about the real Little Hulton?
Would you like to get involved in some fundraising for things like Christmas Lights or a Garden Party for Little Hulton? Want more fundraising opportunities for other groups in Little Hulton?
A group of people in Little Hulton (list below) want to start a community organisation similar to Walkden Community with the aim of raising the profile of Little Hulton, bringing the various community groups together for mutual benefit and fundraising for Little Hulton events and projects.
They have had a brief meeting to plan a way forward, however before doing anything else they want to invite members of the Little Hulton community to get involved in deciding a name, planning a vision and deciding what events to organise. Come along to the first official meeting and share your ideas and experience. It takes place on:
Monday 8th February at 6pm
At the Peel Park Pavilion
Tea, coffee and biscuits
Want to know more? Then ring Kate Lewis on 07982255261.
If you can’t make it but would like to be kept informed then please drop an email to kate.mike66@gmail.com
Debbie Belshaw
John Naish
Carole Gallagher
Kate Lewis