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Clean for the Queen

Join the UKs biggest litter pick and get your local area looking its best!

Clean for The Queen is asking everyone – individuals, groups, schools, companies, and sports teams – whoever is keen to clean up their area to get involved in the year of The Queen’s 90th birthday. The aim is to attract one million people during a special clean-up weekend on 4th 5th and 6th March.

Salford City Council can provide free gloves, bags and litter pickers to help with any Salford litter pick, so get in touch if your group wants to take part. The council will also arrange to collect your rubbish after the litter pick has finished.

Last year, 29 groups from across the city took part in a similar campaign ‘National Community Clear Up Day’ and we collected 507 bags of litter!

For more information visit www.salford.gov.uk/cleanforthequeen or contact Vincent Nash: 0161 779 8071 or vincent.nash@salford.gov.uk

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