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Salford kids get scribbling for writing competition

Pupils, parents and staff at Branwood Preparatory School have been putting pen to paper this term for their creative writing competition.

The competition, ‘My Words, My School’, invites pupils, parents and all staff to write about something positive they have experienced at the school.

The winner will be announced on World Book Day 2016 on 3 March.

The winner and runners up will have their entry officially printed in a book, receive a certificate and a book voucher.

Head Teacher Mrs Follett said: “The competition has really brought out the creativity in the children. This will help them to develop key writing skills, as well as have fun with literacy. It has been wonderful to run a competition with all pupils, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff involved.”

Parents have also been getting involved with the competition.

The winning parent and runners up will receive a non-uniform day for their child’s class and a treat, plus have their piece printed in the book.

School staff are not being left out, scribbling away for their chance to win funds to spend on their class or for something in the playground.

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