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National Opera Tour comes to Salford City Academy

Students at Salford City Academy were given the chance to enjoy opera in their very own school last Friday, 4th March.

The Peel Green based academy hosted a performance by the English Pocket Opera Company – part of an exciting national tour, which has just been launched with United Learning, the group to which the school belongs.

Year 7 and 8 academy students were treated to a performance of ‘Opera Blocks’; an engaging, interactive show designed to break down the building blocks of opera.

Those taking part were introduced to the three basic ingredients of opera – action, words and music – and were taught the more technical side of the music, for example the use of libretto, arias and choruses.

Commenting on the visit, Mr Morrison, Salford City Academy’s Head of Sport and Creative Arts, said:

“Our students enjoyed the extremely lively and invigorating workshop and it was a pleasure to see them, and staff, join in with gusto! We’d like to thank the English Pocket Opera Company for an entertaining and enlightening afternoon.”

Year 7 student Megan Dixon who took part in the workshops, said:

“I was a soldier in the performance and thought it was fantastic when they used me like a puppet and I had to mime! I loved creating our very own opera, deciding about the characters and the setting.”

Eloise Hughes, also Year 7, said:

“It was very funny and I laughed a lot, especially when I was in the performance as Carmen. I liked how they got the audience involved and when the teachers had to get up to dance and sing! I learnt all about the sequencing of an opera and it was really fun too.”

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