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Salford City College celebrates success at stakeholder event

On Friday 4 March Salford City College held its second ‘Annual Review’ event, to celebrate its achievements from the 2014/15 academic year with key stakeholders and supporters.

The celebration, which was held at FutureSkills at MediaCityUK was also a chance to share news with guests of the College’s exciting plans for development over the next few years.

Members of the College’s executive team, including CEO & Principal John Spindler and Deputy Principal Michael J Walsh, shared the highlights of what was a very busy academic year, which concluded with an Ofsted inspection that found the College to be ‘good’.

Vice Principal for Development & Innovation Saf Arfan spoke about the exciting £7million estates investment, which will see updates taking place at all five college centres over the next two years.

He explained how the development of ‘Centres of Excellence’ will allow new students to enjoy state-of-the-art learning environments, such as brand new hair and beauty salons at Walkden and an exciting new animal care centre at Eccles.

The students themselves played a huge role in the success of the event, from stunning performances by Musical Theatre and Music Performance students, to photography support from some of the College’s talented A-Level and Foundation Degree students.

Level 3 and 4 students from the Media Make-up courses at FutureSkills and Walkden put on a stylish fashion showcase to conclude the presentation, after which guests were treated to a mouth-watering buffet lunch and afternoon tea that was cooked and served by Hospitality & Culinary Arts students from the College’s Walkden Sixth Form Centre.

Student speakers Tatiana Resende and Sarah Raza spoke about their experiences of being both a student at Salford City College and a new arrival in the UK. Having moved to the country from France last year, 17-year-old Tatiana says that coming to the College to study has been a great way to help her settle in to the community and meet new people.

Nineteen-year-old Sarah, who studied a foundation degree in Business last year at FutureSkills, said: “I came to the Higher Education Open Day at the College and everyone was so welcoming and interested to hear about my background and what I wanted to study. I am now working towards a full degree at the University of Salford, but sometimes I wish I could come back to FutureSkills because

I loved the atmosphere and the staff.”

“Once again, the Annual Review event was a huge success,” commented John Spindler, CEO and Principal. “It was great to see so many of our stakeholders turning out to support us to celebrate our recent successes and to hear about our future plans for development.”

He added: “Just like last year’s event, the main highlight for me was the level of student involvement. The feedback we have received shows that our guests really appreciated how important the students were in making the event so enjoyable.”

Photo; Rebekah Wilkins, Director of Marketing and Services to Learners, presenting at the Salford City College Annual Review.

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