Portergate Developments have won permission for a £9 million, 45-flat apartment block on the banks of the River Irwell in Salford.
The real estate firm already manage Riverside House, at the corner of Blackfriars Street and St Simon Street.
Portergate opened the 242-bed ’boutique hotel-style’ student block in 2013.
This latest development is on the next-door plot – 23,000sq ft of vacant Salford council-owned land further along the Irwell that used to be a delivery depot.
The nearest neighbours to the five, six and seven-storey development will be Salford City Council’s Youth Offending Services on St Simon Street.

The re-rendered 15-storey Blackfriars Court is to the left on St Simon Street, with the River Irwell to the right
In the plans are six one-bed, 21 two-bed and six three-bed apartments, along with 1,750sq ft cafe and 1,000sq ft convenience store on the ground floor.
28 car parking spaces and 46 cycle spaces are included.
A new walkway down to the river from St Simon Street will also be built as part of the development.
Portergate want to target first-time buyers, buy-to-let investors and young professionals.
Plans were lodged with Salford City Council in August last year and approved in mid-March 2016.
Planning documents say: “The residential development considers Salford’s position as one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world for its size and recognises an increase in demand for family living within affordable, managed apartment accomodation similar to that of our European neighbours.”
“Disadvantages with family living in apartment accomodation ie noise will be dealt with via the management company who are onsite 365/24/7 in designated accomodation.”
In terms of planning obligations, section 106 payments and the like, the report notes: “The site lies within the mid value zone where no contributions are sought from apartment developments such as this.”
Normally developers have to provide an element of affordable housing on developments of 25 dwellings or above.
Although Portergate make it clear they wouldn’t be able to afford any anyway, writing: “Our Cost Plan dated 14th September 2015 demonstrates that under current market conditions the proposed development cannot viably support affordable housing requirement or developer contributions and still be viable.
“The residual land value of the proposed scheme taking into consideration realistic gross development value and gross development costs is £9,969,000.”
Portergate said work would start as soon as planning permission was granted.