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Watch: Salford’s Locality Plan

Our city is growing. More people are living in Salford and more money is coming into the city.

But Salford is a city of contrasts – 70% of our patients live in highly deprived areas. We have 12,000 children in poverty and nearly 10% of the working population is long-term unemployed. Salford has some of the worst health in the country – people in poorer areas of the city live up to 14 years less than those in our richer neighbourhoods.

Public services are under a lot of financial pressure. More of us are living longer and often with complicated health conditions. This means more people need help to stay well. In Salford, we spend £485 million on health and social care. If we carry on doing the same things in the same way, by 2021 we will be £157 million in debt.

What is the Salford Locality Plan?

This is the ‘blueprint’ for our health and social care. It explains how the CCG and other NHS providers and commissioners; Salford City Council and voluntary and community sector will build on what is already in place so services work better and cost less. The plan has a working title of ‘Start Well, Live Well, Age Well’.

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Editor at large, SalfordOnline.com