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St Ambrose Barlow RC High School students present business ideas to London bank

As part of the ‘I Am Creative’ project set by the Ideas Foundation, Year 12 Creative Media students Alex, Maisie and Cody from St Ambrose Barlow High School, got the chance to travel down to London to present their ideas at the Headquarters of executive bank Coutts.

Over the last few months the students have been working on a brief to come up with a campaign for the private bank Coutts. Their aim was to promote the bank to young entrepreneurs by researching the bank and the target audience and coming up with ideas which they then had to make and present. Their team was shortlisted and invited to London to present their project at CHI and Partners.

Creative Media tutor Mr Cammann said: “After three months of working tirelessly on the project at lunchtime and in their free time the group presented their ideas with distinction and confidence. The project has enabled the students to work on their presentation, communication and group skills, whilst showing creativity and flair in the media subject area. They gained a fantastic experience of presenting to other colleges and schools, plus were given feedback from executives from CHI and Partners, Ideas Foundation and Coutts bank.”

A Year 10 IMedia group also attended and they were awarded the prestigious ‘Highly Commended Award’ from The Ideas Foundation and have been entered onto the ‘Creative ladder’. ‘The Ladder’ is the Ideas Foundation’s new and exclusive progression group and every member of every team that wins a brief, or is rated Highly Commended by the panel of judges, receive a place on it. The members of the Ladder team are offered an array of opportunities news and information so that they get a head-start to getting into the creative industries.

The project is just one of a large programme of real life industry events that Creative Media Students at St Ambrose Barlow are encouraged to get involved in to prepare them fully for a career in the Creative Communications industries. Year 13 students have been working with professional sound engineer Mark Pilkington, in their enrichment time, to create a vibrant and historic sound production with images for the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the School.

Sixth Form pupil Michael said: “Working with Mark has been challenging and eye-opening and has shown us what it’s like to work with a real media professional. The experience has also given me an insight into my chosen University options in Sound Production after Sixth Form.”

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