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Swinton superheroes race to hit cancer where it hurts

A father and son team from Swinton got national exposure when they donned superhero costumes to run the Greater Manchester 10k.

Mike ‘Batman’ Critchley and his 15-year-old son James were handpicked for a BBC Two live interview at the start of the race through Manchester city centre last week.

Dressed the Dynamic Duo, the pair fired themselves up for the showcase race by battling through four 5k Great Runs in the lead up to the 22 May event.

Mike only started running seriously at the Worsley Woods park run in 2014, but got the taste for competing to raise money for Cancer Research.

Great Manchester Run 2016 (16)

Read: You’ve Gotham be kidding me? How postman turned Batman for Cancer Research

Mike, 47, told SalfordOnline.com: “We arrived early to get to the front of the ‘orange wave’.

“After cheering on the wheelchair and elite women races it was almost time for the masses to start.”

Mike and James were then chosen from the crowd to give an interview to ex-sprinter turned BBC presenter Jeanette Kwayke, meeting 400m record-holder Iwan Thomas in the process.

Mike Critchley Batman James Robin BBC Jeanett Kwayke

Credit: BBC

Great Manchester Run 2016 (9)

“With massive support from the crowd we managed the first 5k in just over 21 minutes,” said Mike.

“The second 5k was slower as it was so hot in the glorious Manchester sunshine, but we still completed the race together in a time of 44:16.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone of the wonderful people who sponsored us and helped raise an amazing £864.06 for Cancer Research.”

You can still add to Mike and James’ total at their JustGiving page.

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Tom is SalfordOnline.com's News Editor and community co-ordinator.