Regulars at the Albert Edward pub on Church Street in Eccles went the extra mile to help raise funds for the family of three-year-old Maya McDermott who was diagnosed with leukaemia in June 2016.
At the weekend the men went under the clippers for a sponsored beard and head shave and the highlight of the day was Julie Yorke, Maya’s aunt, having her locks shorn off in a buzzcut.
We spoke to Julie who told us more about the event.
“It’s something that I feel that you just have to do,” she said, “Maya’s family need the financial support as there are so many unexpected things that the family need and my heart goes out to them.
“Maya is a beautiful little girl and its heartbreaking to see her with this illness, but she is really cheerful and determined, I love her to bits.
“The boys in the pub were great, Stubbsy, Jimmy, Mayo, Pete, John, Jules and my partner Nigel all had their beards shaved off and most of them had a good short hair cut.

She quipped: “To be honest, it’s the cleanest most of them have looked for years!
“I can’t thank them enough for their time and having the good spirits to have their hair cut.
“Also Derren the landlord helped out on the day selling raffle tickets and making sure that the event ran smoothly.”
Julie smashed the £1,000 target that she originally set and there will be more money coming in when all the sponsorship forms are returned.
Not to be left out, Julie went under the shears and had her hair cut by her boss, Howard, from Irlams o’th Height hairdressing salon Back To Our Roots.
When asked how she felt about having such a drastic hair style, she replied: “Put it this way – I won’t be needing my hairdryer for a while!”
Photos: Derren Sharpe