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Help shape transport in 2040 as public consultation gets underway

Residents, businesses and other interest groups are being asked by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) for their views on a new 2040 vision for transport in the city region, as a 12-week public consultation exercise gets underway.

The vision sets out what a successful and customer-focused transport system for Greater Manchester would look like in 2040 if the city region is to achieve its full potential.

The document considers all types of travel, from accessing global markets to transport’s role in improving local neighbourhoods. It also identifies the role of transport in supporting long-term economic growth, improving people’s quality of life, and tackling pollution and environmental impacts across Greater Manchester.

Chair of the TfGM Committee, Councillor Andrew Fender, said: “It’s difficult to imagine what the world might look like in 25 years, but it’s crucial that we have a long-term and ambitious vision of how we want our city region to look and feel in 2040.

“The conversation that we want to start today is not just about huge infrastructure projects; albeit that further investment in commuter systems will be needed. Fundamentally, it’s about making travel across Greater Manchester and beyond easier, faster, safer, healthier, more efficient and offering greater choice for customers; across all modes and increasingly supported by new technology.

“An effective transport system gets us to work and school, puts food on the shelves, helps keep us safe, is the gateway to the rest of the world and enables us to be better connected to friends, family and our wider interests. It’s integral to growth and prosperity and acts as a catalyst for new development and regeneration. That’s what’s driven the transport innovation of the past and it’s what will determine our future.

“Looking ahead to 2040 allows us to plan and deliver a truly resilient infrastructure network, and to develop an innovative and progressive approach to delivering economic growth, a better environment and improved quality of life for all.
“To do this properly, it is vital that we get input and support from as many people and groups as possible to make sure that the vision is one that we all share, so I encourage anyone with an interest in the future of Greater Manchester to have a look at our document and send in their thoughts.”

This is the first step in the development of a more detailed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy for 2040, replacing the current Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan, to be published in 2016. The long-term strategy will be a key tool for GMCA and GM Local Enterprise Partnership, as the city region prepares for the devolution of more powers which will enable Greater Manchester to deliver a more integrated and better co-ordinated transport network for the benefit of all travelling customers.

Residents, businesses and stakeholders are encouraged to have their say on the proposals during a 12-week consultation. Feedback received at this stage will help shape the full strategy, which will be published in 2016.

The vision document – titled ‘Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040: Our Vision’ – is available to download via the TfGM website. Any comments can be made by sending an email to 2040@tfgm.com or by completing our online questionnaire via www.tfgm.com/2040.

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Editor at large, SalfordOnline.com