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SalfordOnline.com hits a million pageviews for the year – already

SalfordOnline.com is continuing with its rapid readership growth, hitting 1 million pageviews for 2016 in under two months.

Between 1 January 2016 and 22 February, readers viewed 1,061,759 pages on the local news website.

In 2015, to hit the same milestone, it took over three months.

The spiralling growth of this independent news website has surprised even its longest-serving stalwarts.

Back in 2010, the site achieved just under 100,000 unique readers in a year.

Fast forward to 2016, and we’re hitting that same number of unique readers on average every two weeks.

A new WordPress-based website, created by volunteers and launched in summer last year, has helped to capitalise on great local content by presenting it in a highly readable, highly shareable format.

We’re also found a number of new supporters in terms of local advertisers: businesses are waking up to the great potential audience served daily by SalfordOnline.com both online and through social media reach.

The popularity there has exploded to a high of 16,000+ members in our Facebook group, and we’re well on our way to milestones of 10,000 Twitter followers and 10,000 likes for our official Facebook page.

None of this could be achieved without the ongoing support of hundreds of passionate contributors from the local community: volunteer reporters, photographers, reviewers, tech supporters and content producers, business advisors and new partners.

We look forward to continuing our growth in 2016 and thank everyone helping us to become the first place to look for Salford news.

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Tom is SalfordOnline.com's News Editor and community co-ordinator.