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Good food on the menu at Lark Hill School, Salford

Nutritious food is on the menu as part of Lark Hill Primary School’s community food growing project.

Newground Together, a member of the Together Housing Group, has granted the Pendleton school £17,971 to help their Parent Forum’s Wellbeing programme.

The funding will help pay for Support Worker Harry Melody and provide finance for plants and materials for the allotments.

The schools raised beds will be used to grow food, which can be used in the school to promote healthy eating.

Children and parents will be able to create new beds using recycled and salvaged materials, in and out of school hours.

The school has excellent links with other local agencies, and a casual conversation over the allotment can result in a family being signposted to much needed sources of support.

Wendy Hughes, the school’s Community Manager, said the new funding will help the school expand its horticultural programme even further.

She said: “The school plays a pivotal part in the community and this new funding will help us introduce children to creating healthy meals from nutritious ingredients.

“Many of our children live in high rise blocks and don’t have access to green spaces so we’re hoping to teach them skills so they can grow their own produce at home in vegetable tubs.

“And the support worker will engage with the wider community as we’ll be offering training for volunteers.”

Harry Melody, the support worker, said: “It’s a very exciting opportunity. Before I got involved with the forum, I was a lone parent and just sat around twiddling my thumbs.

“Now I have a real purpose and I’ve got big plans. And the kids are really excited as well. They’re signing up to a gardening club and getting involved with other projects in the gardens including the Farm to Fork Project with Tesco.

“It’s a really exciting for the school and we’re really thankful to get the funding.”

Peter Jordan, Newground Together’s Executive Director, added: “The parents’ forum are clearly keen to improve the life chances of the children and families associated with the school. Our Trustees were impressed with their application and are glad to support this project.”

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