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Watch: Chocolate courgette bread recipe

Chocolate and green veg might not sound like the perfect pairing but this recipe is unexpectedly delicious; the addition of grated courgette gives this loaf a lovely moist texture and it is tasty! Serve it hot out of the oven, and it will become your staple autumn warmer treat.

Nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey shows us just how quick and easy this bake can be. It’s dairy and gluten free and thanks to the zero calorie stevia sweetener, it won’t affect your blood glucose levels- perfect if you’re catering for any diabetics or if you are on a paleo diet. Not only is it packed with flavour, it’s also filled with goodness to give you a natural protein energy boost.

Your ingredients for this recipe are:

1 medium courgette finely grated (150g)
3 eggs
150g cashew nut butter
30g Truvia calorie free sweetener
25g cocoa powder
30g coconut flour
1tbsp vanilla extract
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp baking powder
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
60g sugar free chocolate chips (dairy free if needed)

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