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Watch: Chocolate courgette bread recipe

Chocolate and green veg might not sound like the perfect pairing but this recipe is unexpectedly delicious; the addition of grated courgette gives this loaf a lovely...

Watch: Low calorie summer berry ice-cream

If you think ice-cream is complicated to make and heavy on the calories, think again. Nutritionist and chef, Christine Bailey shows us just how easy and nutritious...

Watch: Summer fresh Asian prawn salad

With the sun shining and warmer air filling our lungs, we’re all looking for that perfectly light recipe to freshen our plates. This heavenly Asian prawn salad will do...

Watch: The perfect summer BBQ marinade recipe

BBQ season is pretty much here and we all love to amp it up and impress with little signature twists. This marinade recipe is sure to make the cut. By whipping up this...