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Chinese businessman rapped for Salford fly tipping

A Stockport businessman who sold mobile phone accessories and e-cigarettes has been hit with a bill of £1,415 for dumping business waste on the streets of Salford.

Haiwan Yang, 48 , of St James Way in Cheadle Hulme dumped trade waste and commercial waste including cardboard, packaging and personal information on Elton Street in Salford.

He pleaded guilty at Manchester Magistrates Court on Wednesday 8 April contrary to Section 33 (I) and 33 (6) of the Environmental Protection Act, 1990.

He was fined £250 and ordered to pay costs of £865 and compensation of £300.

The court heard that Salford City Council’s CCTV operators saw a man pull up in Vauxhall car and throw rubbish on to the street at 4.18pm on Wednesday 6 August 2014.

CCTV operators spotted a Mercedes in the same location later in the evening and more rubbish was thrown from it.

Environmental crime officers at Salford City Council launched an investigation and found that Mr Yang was the registered keeper of both vehicles. When the waste was inspected, it was spread over a large area and contained the personal information of customers, including names, addresses and payment details.

In interview, Mr Yang said his business had lost a lot of money and needed to close so he had to clear the warehouse or face another month’s rent payment.  He said: “I’m very, very sorry. I regret. I feel very bad.”

Ben Dolan, Strategic Director for Environment and Community Safety at Salford City Council, said: “It is disgusting that people think they can dump rubbish on the streets, without a care for anyone else living in the city.

“We investigate all reports of fly-tipping, clean up and take people to court where they face prosecution.”
Eagled eyed council staff monitor 129 state-of-the-art cameras across the city, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Salford City Council receives over 3,300 fly tipping complaints every year and spends around £140,000 a year cleaning up and investigating illegal dumping.

Last year, it launched Operation Pandora, a city-wide operation to crackdown on fly tipping. To date, 25 people have been prosecuted for 32 offences resulting in fines of more than £26,000.

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