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B T P join forces with Network Rail for survivors of domestic abuse

Manchester Piccadilly station concourse may not be the obvious place to find the perfect party outfit but thanks to a bit of teamwork from British Transport Police and Network Rail you can get your hands on a new dress and help spread some festive cheer with a donation to a worthy cause at the same time.

The fabulous festive frock swap drop off and collection in aid of Manchester Women’s Aid takes place on the main station concourse on Wednesday, 9 December.

Drop off two of your dresses, make a donation of £5 between 9am and 10.30am and receive a token.

Then return between 4pm and 8pm to choose your new frocks.

All money raised will benefit the crucial service provided by Manchester Women’s Aid, helping to provide refuge for survivors of domestic abuse in the Manchester area.

The event will also promote responsible drinking, reminding the public that any anti social behaviour, alcohol-fuelled disorder and verbal and physical assaults on station staff will not be tolerated on the rail network.

Chief inspector Andrea Graham said: “Everyone has the right to feel safe when they travel on the railway. Don’t spoil Christmas for yourself or other passengers by behaving in an anti social manner. Treat fellow passengers and rail staff with respect.

“If you are on a train or at a station and feel intimidated or concerned by anti social behaviour then you can discreetly use our text number 61016 to report crime.

“If you’re going out on the town to show off your new outfit, please drink responsibly. Passengers who have consumed too much alcohol do not just pose a risk to other travellers and staff – they also put themselves in vulnerable positions.

“Working alongside Network Rail this is our way of getting this vital message across while at the same time offering something fun and festive and most importantly helping out such a worthy cause which is what Christmas is really about.”

Gail Heath, from Manchester Women’s Aid said: “Every donation of £5 will provide a pack of essential items for a woman moving into refuge; enable a service user to attend a group for peer support for one week; buy lunch for 2 drop-in users who would otherwise go hungry.

“We hope that the people of Manchester and commuters passing through the station will help us make this event a real success for survivors of domestic abuse.

“The frock swap also allows us to convey the vital message to anyone suffering abuse that help is only a phone call away and that it is everyone’s responsibility to be aware and report domestic abuse. It’s not just an issue at Christmas time but throughout the year.”

Caitriona Gibson, Network Rail’s shift station manager at Piccadilly, said: “This is a worthy cause that everyone at Manchester Piccadilly station is pleased to support. The aim is to get a new cost-effective seasonal outfit while helping raise money for those in need and I am sure the event will help lots of people have a better Christmas as a result.”

The event ties in with the annual 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign which began on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, which is Human Rights Day.

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Editor at large, SalfordOnline.com