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GMP ask public to share their Christmas present

Greater Manchester Police has launched its Christmas campaign today as part of ‘GMP Christmas’, tackling crime and protecting vulnerable people over the festive period.

This year, GMP is encouraging people to think about how they might keep themselves safe, and to consider what their present to, or presence within, their community, family or friendships might be.

People can post their Christmas promises online using this template:
Share your christmas present - social media

At the same time, the campaign will showcase the promises that GMP makes to the public at Christmas and all year round, using a mixture of law enforcement and public engagement to protect the local communities.

The campaign combines policing plans with online and social media activity.

Operationally, high-visibility patrols will be in place across the region to detect and deter criminal activity, as well as providing reassurance and assistance. There will also be 12 high-profile days of action which will tackle the traditional spike in crime usually seen during this time of year.

Purse bells and other crime prevention tools will be handed out to shoppers in town centres to keep thieves at bay, and police are also maintaining a strong presence around car parks to help prevent items being stolen from vehicles.

This year’s online Advent campaign sees a festive cast take over usual TV programming with Tinsel TV. A new video will be released every day from 1 December, which sees Rudolph, Snowman and a Big Bad Wolf join Santa and his helpers as they host a series of TV programmes with crime prevention advice for the residents of Greater Manchester.

The Christmas drink and drug drive operation will continue throughout December and officers will be testing motorists around the clock and reinforcing the ‘none for the road’ message.

In addition, officers and cadets will be delivering hampers to the elderly and those in need, and the public will be given a live insight into the world of policing on one of the busiest days of the year – Mad Friday.

GMP Christmas Launch 2015 ACC John O'Hare with Rudolph and Icy
ACC John O’Hare with Rudolph and Icy

Assistant Chief Constable John O’Hare said:
“This time of year is a busy one for the force and our colleagues across the emergency services, and we have been thoroughly preparing for the festive period. Our top priority is making sure that the people of Greater Manchester enjoy Christmas in the safest possible manner.

“It can be a very busy time of year, but we are asking the public to take some time to have a think about what their Christmas present might be to their community or family. Whether you promise to visit an elderly relative or neighbour, or volunteer to be the designated driver for friends on a night out, we can all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe this season.

“This Christmas, GMP will be present to tackle criminals and protect the people of Greater Manchester. We hope our neighbourhoods can embrace the spirit of community this Christmas and share their presence, too.”

Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd said: “Christmas brings out the best in Greater Manchester people – the majority of whom are generous and warm-hearted. I hope people will tap into that festive community spirit and look out for older friends and neighbours who perhaps need a little help and company this year.

“There will always be those who want to spoil the party for everyone, so please take care of yourself and your friends when you’re out enjoying yourselves, and make sure everyone gets home safe and sound.”

Follow #GMPChristmas on social media for the latest police activity throughout December.

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Editor at large, SalfordOnline.com