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Salford good Samaritans spread festive cheer among the elderly

Two good Samaritans in Salford have cooked up a plan to ensure the older generation are not on their own this Christmas.

Valerie Winnard and Jackie Kelsey, both 58, live at Rialto Gardens sheltered housing scheme in Higher Broughton and have undertaken a food hygiene course organised by housing association Salix Homes.

The pair will now use their new found skills to cook a three-course Christmas dinner for their elderly neighbours who would otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day.

Valerie said: “A lot of people are on their own on Christmas Day, they don’t have any family or anywhere else to go. For some people it’s the worst day of the year to spend it alone – I’ve done it myself and it’s awful.

“Putting on something like this is great as it also gets new people coming who don’t normally attend activities and you get to meet your neighbours and make new friends.”

The budding chefs will rustle up a three-course turkey or beef dinner with all the trimmings followed by mince pies for 17 older people who were facing Christmas alone.

Sue Sutton, executive director of operations at Salix Homes, said: “While Christmas is a happy time for many, for lots of older people out there it can be a time of loneliness and heartache.

“This year’s Christmas John Lewis advert has really brought the plight of tackling loneliness and isolation among the elderly into the spotlight, so we are very proud of Valerie and Jackie who completed our food hygiene course to spread some festive cheer among the older generation.

“This is what Christmas is all about – celebrating, bringing people together and caring for others, and we hope our older residents have a day to remember this year.”

The pair will host their Christmas dinner celebration in the communal room at Rialto Gardens and are also planning to rustle up a New Years’ Day buffet.

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