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Salford City College celebrates outstanding A-Level results

Students and staff at Salford City College’s Pendleton and Eccles Sixth Form Centres are celebrating today after they once again excelled in this year’s A-Level exams. Last year we had a record year and this year we have surpassed those results which is an amazing achievement. 99% of A-Level students passed their A-Level exams and now stand in good stead to get their place at their chosen university.

One of these high achievers was 18-year-old Taryn Challender, who studied A-Levels in English Language, English Literature and Philosophy & Ethics at Salford City College’s Pendleton Sixth Form Centre. Her superb results (A*A*A) have secured her a place at the University of Cambridge, where she will start her English degree this September.

Upon receiving her outstanding A-Level results, former All Hallows RC High School pupil Taryn said: “I am so happy and relieved with my results! I’ve always wanted to study at Cambridge, so it’s a dream come true for me. I loved my time at college- the teaching staff in the English department were amazing, and I’ve got so much to thank them for.”

Taryn’s mum Jelena added: “I am so excited and happy for Taryn. She’s worked so hard, and we’ve all been so nervous leading up to results day, and to know she’s got her place at Cambridge is just incredible. She’s the first in the family to move away for university, so it’ll be an emotional day when we drop her off at her students halls.”

Another student who was thrilled with her results was 18-year-old Siri Hampapur, who exceeded expectations by achieving A*A*B in her A-Level Drama, Media and Psychology. She said: “I couldn’t believe it when I opened my results- I got 4 Cs in my AS Levels so it’s a massive improvement on last year!

“I think my attitude changed from first to second year of A-Levels, and I became more focussed, which is why I think my grades have improved so much,” added Siri, who will now be going to Lancaster University to study Media & Cultural Studies.

Siri’s parents Giri and Ramya commented: “We are very proud parents today! Siri had a tough act to follow, as her sister is already at university, and she really has excelled herself. We are all very excited, especially because we got to share our news on BBC Breakfast!”

John Spindler, CEO & Principal at Salford City College, said: “Yet again our students have received excellent A-Level results, which are all down to the hard work and determination of our students, paired with the commitment and dedicated support of our staff.

“We were particularly honoured to be joined by the team at BBC Breakfast today- it’s been a fantastic way to place both Salford and the College on the map as a centre for academic excellence. We are so proud of our students, and are delighted to show them off to the nation!”

Earlier this year it was announced that Salford City College is the top General Further Education (GFE) College in Greater Manchester for success rates for its provision for 16-18 year olds. These outstanding results also place Salford City College within the top ten colleges in the country out of a total of 218 GFE colleges.

Principal John Spindler added: “I would like to thoroughly congratulate all of our students and wish them well in their next step, whether they choose to move on to university, further training or employment.”

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