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Category: Health

Survey launched on 7-day and weekend GP appointments in Salford

Healthwatch Salford are launching a public survey as the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) potentially plan more weekend access to GPs across the city. A...

Barbara Keeley MP takes up the fight against Meningitis

Worsley and Eccles South MP, Barbara Keeley, is supporting Meningitis Now in its fight against meningitis. It is 30 years since the organisation started to fight this...

New group reaches out to grieving people in Salford

A Little Hulton mum-of-three and an orphaned Bangladeshi counsellor have launched a new self-help group to help people struggling with loss and bereavement in Salford....

Don’t delay – test today

Don’t delay – test today if you think you could have HIV. That’s the message going out to Salford folk as part of National HIV Testing week which begins Saturday...

999 surge continues as NWAS prepares for winter

North West Ambulance Service recently reported the hike in calls over Halloween and as we fast approach the Trust’s busiest time of year, the level of 999 emergency...

Landmark mental health learning facility opens in Prestwich

Local mental health trust, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMW) is celebrating the official opening of a £5million education and training...

Barbara Keeley MP calls for action to improve survival rates for Salford’s biggest cancer killer

Barbara Keeley, Shadow Health Minister, hosted a meeting at Westminster to launch a new report by the British Lung Foundation calling for action to be taken to improve...

Kidscan awards £40k funding to exceptional Salford student

Kidscan, the Salford-based children’s cancer research charity, has awarded £40k of PhD funding to a talented local scientist who will pursue groundbreaking research...

Be safe this Bonfire Night

In the run up to Bonfire Night, North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NWAS) is reminding people to stay safe and keep themselves and others free from harm at private...

50 Per cent of cancer patients in Salford to benefit from innovative exercise programme

Cancer patients are being helped back to full fitness with an innovative exercise referral programme being rolled out across Salford. CAN-Move Salford is a collaboration...