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Spooky Halloween pop-up cinema launched at Walkden Town Centre

Walkden Town Centre, managed by The Derwent Group, has announced the launch of a 100-seat pop-up cinema to celebrate Halloween during the half term break.

Chorley-based events company MarvelatEverything, who put together the pop-up screen, will also be running a series of events from Monday 26 to Saturday 31 October to entertain the local community.

‘Spooky’ family films suitable for all ages will be shown in the cinema at 11am and 2pm daily at a charge of £2.50 per head including Monster House, Hocus Pocus and Ghostbusters.

Tickets will be available to purchase from 9am daily on a first come, first served basis.

In addition to the pop-up cinema, the centre is offering children free Halloween-themed activities on the run-up to the weekend from 11am until 4pm including ‘trick or treat’ bag design on Thursday, pumpkin carving on Friday and being made up into character with face paints on Saturday in readiness for ‘trick or treating’.

Michelle Atack, Marketing Manager at Derwent Group said: “We’re excited to be able to deliver a pop-up cinema at the Centre to bring a very different experience that we’ve not embarked on before here at Walkden.

“Our customers can expect an enjoyably and unique yet cost-effective experience. It’s particularly pricey these days to take a family of four to the cinema so it’s great to be able to provide that experience for our customers for £10.

“Derwent has moved towards an event-led strategy and is planning regular calendar events in the Centre, creating a fun environment for families in Walkden.

“It is hoped that the scheduled attractions will engage the community from the surrounding areas including Kearsley, Worsley, Clifton, Swinton, Roe Green, Little Hulton and Walkden.”

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Tom is SalfordOnline.com's News Editor and community co-ordinator.