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Salford teens sign up to transform filthy alleyways in Eccles

The alleyways at the rear of Richardson Road, off Bright Road, Eccles are getting a makeover thanks to the sterling efforts of a group of teenage volunteers from the National Citizen Service.

Not content with battling through the stress of their GCSEs, these 16-year-olds have also signed up to a summer programme to transform flytipped alleyways into community spaces.

Under the keen eye of Irena Pitsun from the Gateway Community Church on Bright Road, the youngsters have picked up paint brushes, tools, and donned working clothes as they weave their magic.

Benches are being given a lick of paint, the teenagers are erecting an arch for plants to climb up which will add that splash of colour and the walls have been scrubbed free of graffiti.

Already the group has organised several fundraising schemes such as the Hook-a-Duck at the entry of Richardson Road, face painting and selling cakes and sweets to visitors at the church hall.

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All Hallows pupil Codie Wood, who scored an impressive 9A*s and 2As in her exams, told SalfordOnline.com why she joined up with pal Thomas Kelly to do the dirty work.

“It’s good to give something back to the community and we are all enjoying ourselves while making new friends.

“I think its really worthwhile to get involved in these schemes and help other people.”

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Volunteers Thomas Kelly and Codie Wood

The first week was spent clearing the alley and getting the area ready for the transformation.

The idea is to hold a giant tea party on Saturday 6 September for the grand opening of the new community garden.

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Irena told us: “The youngsters have really got stuck into the work, we shall soon transform this dismal alleyway into a haven for local residents.

“With the aid of Incredible Edible Salford we are putting in planters with vegetables which the residents can cultivate and hopefully enjoy eating them.

“Intially the residents were curious to know what we were doing, but they are now joining in with us which is a really positive sign.”

So call into Richardson Road or Bright Road Chapel and help out with this positive fundraising: failing that call in on Sunday 6 September for a cup of tea and to admire the work that these youngsters have carried out.

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